Metaphysics of Indian Hating and Empire Building (1980), a volume . The title of the book is taken from a statement by Russell Means, founder of the American Indian Movement, who spoke of ‘a little matter of genocide right here at home,’ by which he meant the ongoing genocide against the American Indians which is still in progress.
Friday, December 28, 2012
I am 63 Years old, a Jazz Guitarist & a Retired Homeless Hobo.
Exchange on Chat Board BB.
John Bernays on November 23, 2012 at 3:43 am
Did you realise, that, although the Belief that my Great Grandfather’s Brother was a monster, I rather have a different view of his desires & reasons for his lifetime vocation of “Controlling Humankind.”
A read of Sigmund Freud’s “Mankind and his Discontents” and a watching of the BBC Documentary “The Century of the Self” would make a thinking person realize, as I have, the Human Race is innately a Vicious and Savage Beast, especially in Crowds or Mobs ( Read Erik Hoffer’s “The True Believer” ) Freud was very very dispondant at Hitler, the Fall of Vienna, and his Studies had shown perfectly how Savage the Human could become.
I know that Uncle Edward really wanted a way to End War, stop Violence against Helpless Poor People & Women, and other Higher Motives.
Obviously, Freud’s Ideas are “Spot-On” as the YouTube Video i watched earlier yesterday by Jan shows that the many “Devices” these Tavistock people use to Control the People.
Understand, I am 63 Years old, a Jazz Guitarist & a Retired Homeless Hobo. (Say,WHAT?) so, I have felt the Hatred America Rains upon the Homeless, Mentally Ill.
But the Mannerisms of Bernays speech, understand, is the mannerisms of the Very Rich of the Early 1900′s. Bernays was not a Evil Man. He was Very Insulated, He never learned to Drive, he was not comfortable with people, he was a Solitary person, but he never meant his methods, nor Sigmunds, to be used AS IT HAS BEEN, since his death.
Thank you Jan, as well, for opening my eyes to the Fallacy of
The world according to Quantum Scientists is a holographic universal illusion.
As many others, I had almost Embraced this. As well, I personally met & knew Agustis Stanley Owsley, Timothy Leary, Thomas Wolfe and Hugh Romney, I did LSD25 12 Times, had a Very Wonderful Vision on the 12th. then never wanted it again.
My Father turned me on to Alan Watts & William Burroughs, I followed the Woody Guthrie “Path” and am a Close Friend of “Diamond Dave” the Last Surviving Beat Nick in San Francisco. Dave WHittiker is 73 Years old.
I am very excited at the Information you, Jan, put fourth. Perhaps you are my Salvation…(Eh, Wot?)
Jan Irvin on November 23, 2012 at 8:17 pm
John Bernays…
It’s good to hear from you, John, if you are who you say you are.
I would love to debate your reasoning behind some of your statements. For instance, you’re aware that Edward worked for the “war is good” department to get us INTO the war?
As well, he was part of the guys who sold the compulsory education system that we have today, that dumbs people down.
For if you [the rulers] suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves [and outlaws] and then punish them.
-Sir Thomas More (1478-1535), Utopia, Book 1
No irony between the above quote and your statements.
On the front page you’ll find John Taylor Gatto’s Ultimate History Lesson, which will prove you wrong on many other accounts:
As well, you may be interested in studying the trivium study section to the left. However, you may already be familiar with some of it. Are you familiar with the works of Demosthenes?
Of course your argument also rests on a false appeal to authority, or the ad vericundiam fallacy. Because someone who lies and manipulates others for their own gain and rather false direction, based on their own false notions of authority and right, often religious based for instance (Zionism is a good example of this type of behavior), rather than uplifting them through a proper education of the 7 Liberating arts, that Edward himself helped to eliminate and helped to advertise the very compulsory education system that dumbs men down into the very savages that you here discuss and complain about(! No irony there!) is hardly doing good for humankind. But maybe your dear grand uncle should have looked in the mirror. But as well, the same arguments are made for eugenics, etc. Of course he was behind many of those too.
What about Edward’s influence on Gobbels?
He also worked with the CIA, the CFR, the Tavistock Institute, he’s the very guy who promoted fluoride in the water as well…working for the aluminium industry. .. The damage from that is inestimable… speaking of dumbing down. There’s evidence that he was connected to the JFK assassination, as well as Project MKULTRA – of which I have strong evidence myself. He was also involved in Operation Ajax, and numerous others…
I wonder, John Bernays, have you followed in Edward’s footsteps of propaganda? You seem to have “inherited” some of his talents for sophistry.
You see, we must ask ourselves whom this type of behaviour benefits… because when we have a clear understanding of it, we know that it’s for the elites and oligarchs and their ultimate revolution against the masses, such as under the UN’s Agenda 21 and Fourth World Wilderness Conferences.
So if you’d like to debate these issues, just to begin with, I’d love to have an in depth discussion.
Welcome to the website.
Yes, John, I had invited you to debate your points, but you never replied.
For now the other forum is for invite only.
If the others agree that a propagandist should be amongst us, then we may let you in at that time. However, none of the points you raised last time where accurate. Your uncle, for instance, worked for the War Is Good propaganda office to get us into the war, and you claim he was against it. Such things don’t fly around here.
Yes, John, I had invited you to debate your points, but you never replied.
Did you? I did not receive a Invitation , my Email:
If the others agree that a propagandist should be amongst us, then we may let you in at that time.
For now the other forum is for invite only.
I Reply:
Such things don’t fly around here.
And by the way, his being alive or dead is IRRELEVANT to the research and facts… that’s called an appeal to emotion – another fallacy.
That’s like claiming I shouldn’t talk about Hitler because he’s dead.
In fact, your uncle influenced Goebbels techniques – which costs Europeans millions of lives..
Your uncle was a sick, sick man, and appealed to his own ad vericundiam to do his thinking for him…
He should only be remembered for the criminal he was.
Jan Irving, along with Freud’s Kabbalistic, and long ago disproved non-sense… Also specifically for dumbing the masses down and controlling them… Oedipus complex and cocaine, that’s what Freud left us
My Retort:
The Reason FREUD is demoted is BECAUSE DRUG COMPANIES HAVE TAKEN CONTROL of PSYCHIATRY, you pompous ass!Your fallacies are so abjectly pathetic that you are blind to yourself.
THIS IS MY ATTACK ON HIS HATIST AGENDA: What is your beliefs on Orthodox Jews as to our being opposed to the State of Israel and its War Crimes?
Do you see JEWS as did Gerald L.K. Smith, Gerald Winrod, Gordon Winrod, David Duke Et Al.
Are Jews the Source of World Misery.
When I received over 130 Electroshock Treatments at a Mental Hospital in 1969, was it Because or In Spite the Fact that I was NOT a KOSHER Jew, my Jewish Father having married a Cherokee Indian Girl?
Does my marry of a Mexican Girl to father Children "Race Mixing" and do you consider me a "Race Traitor?"
Lets lay out the reasons for you obvious Disputable Reasoning.
As for the Trivium, I have educated myself through CONSUMPTIVE Reading, for 60 Years.
My IQ was measured in the 4th. Grade, & I was recommended for classes at Baylor University, where I took classical Violin, 1958-59. I was 8 Years old.
American education was a little bit better when I was a child, under Eisenhower, I suppose you weren't yet born, so your education, being after the 1965 OUTRIGHT TAKE DOWN of the Education System, can be meaningless.
More From Jan Irvin Gnostic Media
For if you [the rulers] suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves [and outlaws] and then punish them.
-Sir Thomas More (1478-1535), Utopia, Book 1
When he fought to put fluoride into the water, which provably dumbs people down, how was he trying to help them again?
The facts of fluoride, known long ago: